Use OpenCV only for template classes?

I just wanted to hear an opinion on this.

Do you think it is fine to use OpenCV in a project for the SOLE purpose of using its template classes? I have gotten kinda familiar with them and I find the cv::Mat class EXTREMELY convenient to work with when I have to handle matrix operations and such.

The thing is, the OpenCV libraries come with so much more stuff as they are mainly a library that is centered around doing things with images. Do you think using OpenCV in a project to only use the template classes is appropriate? Or should I look into something like the Eigen library?
> using OpenCV in a project to only use the template classes is appropriate?

I have not used OpenCV. This is what I feel: if the templated classes of OpenCV are 'header only' and you find them convenient to work with, include the headers and use them.

> should I look into something like the Eigen library?

If you are dealing with a lot of matrix operations all the time, putting in the effort to learn Eigen is a good idea.
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