Hey everyone, I'm trying to recreate an older juce blowfish encryption to AES using the crypto++ library, I'm struggling (as always) with definging the variables inside classes and constructors, somehow i don't understand it and it's getting really frustrating, I manage to write complex code but this is really a blocking factor to me, if someone posts an answer could you also write some comment on how it works in human language? :) (I've left how the old blowfish code was defined in comments)
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class StringEncryptor: public Encryptingisfun // this used to say :public Blowfish
StringEncryptor(const juce::String& strKey)
//: BlowFish ((std::uint8_t *)(strKey.toWideCharPointer()), strKey.length())
Encryptingisfun(SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH+AES::BLOCKSIZE), juce::String password("dfc4894de3b6451cef988124b4327e58"), juce::String iv("27c9f38a05e5e422b99e630609e636ac"), HKDF<SHA256> hkdf, hkdf.DeriveKey(key, key.size(), (const byte*)password.data(), password.size(), (const byte*)iv.data(), iv.size(), NULL, 0))