Rankings list

N students participated in the programming competition (N> 4). After completing tasks, students rank according to the number of points scored. The first 5% of the participants receive the first prize, the next 10% second, the next 10% the third prize and the next 10% of the prize. The number of awarded students by the first, second, third or commendable reward will be rounded to the first highest number if the number of awarded students has a decimal part. Determine which award a pupil receives from a position in the ranking list.

Enter N and P. in one line.

N - number of participants.

P - position on the list of participants for which we want to see which award he won.

In the output line, print the number between 1 and 5, which represents the award that the participant has won

1 - first prize

2 - second prize

3rd - third prize

4 - praise

5 - no prize

N> 4

1 <= P <= N
Hey buddy,Put your code,then only we can help you.
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