Urgent array help?!?!

I may be posting this in the wrong forum but I have 11 homework problems on arrays due tomorrow as well as a quiz. I am so swamped with stuff for finals. I was wondering if anyone could help me out by emailing for about 2 hours or so, so I can get these problems done. Or if someone could direct me to a live free chat room that helps people. I know it's a lot to ask but I'm desperate at this point. If anyone could help even the slightest I would be so extremely thankful.

My email is [email protected]
You don't help yourself with lack of information, and leaving it till the last day... Perhaps better allocation of time is the ultimate solution to your problem, and those to come?
I agree. I was careless and did not use my time wisely. It was a stupid mistake and I know I need to be smarter in the future. However, I am still faced with the problem now. Thanks for your input.
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